Wednesday, July 23, 2008

The Hazards of Tunnel Vision

I've mentioned National Geographic Adventure magazine on a couple of previous posts (April and May). Not only does it have amazing photos, it almost always has a few notes of interest to me. In the latest edition there is an article called "Terrorists at the Tea Party" by Amanda Ripley. It's about the science of fear and how humans react in desperate situations.

Ripley writes about the hazards of tunnel vision in an account of an Eastern Airlines jet traveling from New York City to Miami on December 29, 1972. The plane was making its final approach into Miami on a clear night with unrestricted visibility. When the pilots tried to lower the landing gear, they didn't get a green light indicating that the gear loaded properly. The captain with more than 30 years experience called into the control tower and said that they would circle the airport while they worked on getting a green light.

For eight minutes the entire crew focused completely on the landing gear and the failure of the green light. They were so focused on that problem that they didn't notice the alarm going off indicating that the plane was losing altitude. By the time they realized what was happening to the plane it was too late. The plane crashed in the Everglades 19 miles from the airport.

Investigators discovered later that the plane was in perfect working order - except the bulb was burned out in the landing gear indicator light.

Sometimes we get so busy focusing on one thing, (e.g., work, finances, personal and professional pursuits) that we forget to look at the big picture. It's easy to get bummed out about temporary things. It's easy to allow the urgent things that scream for our attention each day to get in the way of the important things. Don't become so focused on immediate problems and pursuits that you forsake the other things that are happening around you. Celebrate what God is doing in your life. Rejoice in the blessings you have instead of regretting the things you don't have. Thank God for what he has done and what he is doing. Lift your head up and see what he's up to. Pay attention to his handiwork and praise him for his amazing grace.

PS - Notes regarding my previous post: Cliff won't be America's next heartthrob. He said it was a great experience but the "auditions" were somewhat of a joke. American Idol is definitely made for TV. Got an email from my agent today. A publisher is very interested in my book. She will take it to the editorial board soon. Pray!!

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