Thursday, May 24, 2007

My Feet On My Hearth

I rolled into good ole NA this afternoon after spending the week at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference. It was full of information and inspiration. I was privileged to sit under the teaching of award winning novelist James Scott Bell. He is an incredible teacher and a humble down to earth guy. Have you ever sat in a class and felt disappointment when you realized it was time for the class to be over? That's how it was every day in his class. By the way, regarding my previous post...I have a lot of editing and rewriting to do!

I gained interest from a few editors who liked one of my book proposals. I also met with my agent about an upcoming project that we hope to present to publishers soon. The conference is beneficial enough if you just attend the classes and workshops but the best part for me is meeting people in the writing industry from around the country. If you're interested in improving your writing skills and/or getting published in any area of writing, I highly recommend this conference.

In addition to Jim Bell, I also enjoyed learning from Ron Benrey and Alton Gansky. General session speakers also included McNair Wilson and Jim Watkins. McNair Wilson is hard for me to accurately describe: witty, motivational, encouraging, hilarious, fresh, creative, spontaneous...a wonderful speaker and fun to spend time with.

It was a good and profitable week but I'm glad to be typing this from my favorite chair in the den with our hearth serving as my ottoman. The Blue Ridge mountains are beautiful but, like Dorothy said, "There's no place like home."

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