Monday, November 15, 2010

A Proud Dad

I've always been proud of my kids but this weekend I've been especially proud. Cliff, my 23 year-old, went without shoes for the past two weeks to raise awareness for Soles4Souls. You can see the fruit of his labor here. His church participated in this ministry event which culminated yesterday and, based on the picture, I would say it was a huge success! If you scroll down below the picture on his site, you can read his entries regarding his shoeless days and the things he learned in the process.

On Friday night, we got a text message from Bailey, our soon-to-be 21 year old daughter. She reported that she would be sleeping outside in the "quad" at her college campus to raise awareness for the homeless. Last Friday night was probably the coldest night of the season so far here. It's even colder where she lives. She just got over a cold this week and the mama and daddy in us thought, "Please don't get sick again," but the missionary spirit in us said, "Go for it!"

I love seeing what God is doing in our kids. They aren't perfect, of course, but it's cool to see them thinking of others instead of themselves. It's the greatest challenge we will ever face, i.e., to let selflessness reign over selfishness. I love it when I see my children take on that challenge.

Thanks for letting me gloat!

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