Monday, August 07, 2006

Killing Your Heart

How often do you find yourself in a hurry?  Do you feel like your days are nothing but rushing from one thing to the other?  Do you find yourself mindlessly and habitually cocking your wrist into your face to check your watch every ten minutes?  Do you always drive in the fast lane?  Do you stomp on the gas when the light turns green?  Do you get angry when the person driving in front of you doesn't seem to be in a hurry and you can't imagine a world where anyone would not be?  
For me, it's more often than I want to admit....
The Chinese symbol for busyness is two characters joined together as one: heart and killing.  Busyness kills your heart.  There is an old saying that idleness is the devil's workshop.  That may be true.  But I also believe that busyness is the devil's workshop too.
"Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are; help us to spend them as we should." (Psalm 90:12)

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