Wednesday, September 01, 2010

His Grace is Enough

"Although I am less than the least of all God's people, this grace was given me..." Ephesians 3:8

The apostle Paul was the writer of the letter to the Ephesian church. He recognized that he was nothing without Christ. In this passage, he mentions how unworthy and sinful he is. Paul realized he was dirty in his sins and that he was a small speck in this vast universe. He understood that he could be easily overlooked by God and rightly so.

We have granted Paul sainthood. Many say he was the greatest among Christians. Don't tell him that.

Paul knew just how lowly and sinful he was. It is easy to pump ourselves up and think we've got it all together. In a wealthy country, in a healthy church, with well-adjusted kids, I can easily sit back and bask in my own glory and think I've deserved my lot in life.

I deserve nothing.

It is God's grace and only God's grace that allows me to breathe my next breath. It is God's grace that gives me hope. It is God's grace that allows me to see another minute. I do not deserve one bit of God's grace but he has chosen to give it all to me.

Not just a portion, not a taste - but all.

For that, I am humbled like Paul. God, don't let me forget your grace is given to me fully and completely. Don't let me forget that your grace is enough. It is all I need.

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