Saturday, March 13, 2010

Experiencing God Again

In the early 1990's, a Bible study called Experiencing God was introduced. I met the author, Henry Blackaby, at a pastor's meeting a few years prior. I knew of his previous writings and his incredible knowledge of the Bible - especially his knowledge of how God moved in unusual ways in both Biblical times and throughout Church history. He is a walking encyclopedia regarding revival and spiritual awakenings. I knew Experiencing God would be a good study and I was right.

I ran across my book from 1993 during my recent office transition and decided to read through it again. There are tens of thousands of Christian books and Bible studies out there but I truly believe that this particular study is a classic. Granted, it is not popular right now like it was in the 90's but that doesn't mean that it will not move you closer to God and knowing how He works in your life. Just like you can't judge a book by its cover, you also can't judge a book by its copyright date.

Just because a book is dated doesn't mean it can't speak to you. There is a reason some books are called classics. Classics speak to more than one generation. In the case of Experiencing God, I would say that every generation should take a look at this study.

I'm only through the first 2 of 12 units. Here are some meaningful quotes from Blackaby thus far:

Jesus did not say, "I will show you the way." He said, "I AM the way.

"What is God's will for my life?" - is not the right question. The right question is, "What is God's will?" Once I know God's will, then I can adjust my life to Him. The focus needs to be on God, not my life!

If you have been working off the world's definition of servant, you are using the wrong approach to serving God. You do not get orders and then go out and do them. You relate to God, respond to Him, and adjust your life to Him so that He can do whatever He wants to do through you.

We often act as though God tells us what He wants us to do and sends us off all by ourselves to try and do it. Then, any time we need Him we can call on Him, and He will help us. That is never the biblical picture.

When God is about to do something through you, He has to get you from where you are to where He is.

When you believe that nothing significant can happen through you, you have said more about your belief in God than you have said about yourself.

If you feel weak, limited, ordinary, you are the best material through which God can work.

I can't stay the way I am and go with God.

You never find God asking people to dream up what they want to do for Him.

Understanding what God is about to do where I am is more important than telling God what I want to do for Him.

In every situation God demands that you depend on Him, not a method. The key is not a method but a relationship with God.

He has a right to interrupt your life. He is Lord. When you accepted Him as Lord, you gave Him the right to help Himself to your life anytime He wants.

Many of us don't want to give attention to our character, we just want the big assignment from God.

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