Saturday, January 30, 2010

Busyness (Part 2)

In a previous post this month, I wrote about busyness. This has, indeed, been a crazy and busy month for me. It's why I haven't posted anything lately. I've been running in high gear since December. With the exception of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day when I went to Charlotte with Beth (see previous post), I've worked every day this month. This morning I woke up at 5 AM in pain. I think my body was rebelling and trying to tell me to stay home. So I did.

This isn't a whiny post though. I'm not complaining. It's actually a very exciting time for TNC as we move our student ministry and offices into a new location. I can't wait for the job to be finished. Hopefully, one week from today I can say we're almost done.

Even in the midst of the busyness, God has revealed himself to me in ordinary and extraordinary ways. Ordinary, in that, even in these fast-paced days I've made sure to take time each morning for Bible reading, devotional reading, and prayer. This year I am reading at least one chapter from my Ryrie Study Bible (NASB) starting at Genesis 1. I'm also reading Francis Chan's, Crazy Love. I will be through with it in a couple of days. Not sure what book is next on the list.

During this ordinary time, God has continued to speak to me, remind me of his strength, give me confidence, and stretch my faith.

God has shown himself in extraordinary ways too. He has used this time to remind me of the power of his family, the Church. The renovation project that we've undertaken has been fun and frustrating at the same time. But God's people have been extremely generous in this endeavor. Donations of time, tools, supplies, and money have saved us tens of thousands of dollars. I can't believe some of the contributions we've received during our move to The Blok.

Not to sound trite but God is good.

He really is.

For readers who attend TrueNorth Church, I can't wait for you to see our new location. There's still room for improvement, but I think you're going to like it.

For all of you who might find yourself busier than you want to be, I trust that you will stop and take the time to spend with the One who gives us strength. He is able to help you prosper and be successful even when things around you seem crazy. I promise.

PS - Guess where this picture was taken.

1 comment:

mike said...

i'm thinking a super secret chick-fil-a test center