Monday, January 11, 2010

Busyness: The Devil's Workshop?

It's been said that, "Idle hands are the devil's workshop." While that may be true, I've always contended that, "Busyness is the devil's workshop." The past several weeks have been pretty crazy. Along with the busyness of the holidays, our church has recently acquired a new building to house our offices and student ministries. We have 20 days to complete the renovations in the building. TWENTY!

We may be pulling some all-nighters soon.

Because of the busyness, I have to be careful not to let it take it's toll on me. I have to make myself start the day off with time with God - and a cup of coffee, of course! I must remember to enjoy the journey as it unfolds and look for divine appointments. I must remember to keep priorities in order. I must maintain a people-first attitude. It's easy for me to get into "task-oriented mode" and forget those around me.

I feel like I'm doing okay with it. I like to be busy. I rarely sit and do nothing. There's always a job to do, book to read or write, - and, of course, Facebook. :)

I found this brief blog post at Bianca Stingl's website.

She makes some good points about busyness.

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