Thursday, April 16, 2009

Christ, our Passover Lamb

I was reminded of something yesterday in my daily reading through the One Year Chronological Bible. I'm in the book of 1 Samuel. The events in this book took place around 1050 BC. Over and over again, Israel is reminded of God's great rescue from Egypt which occurred hundreds of years before (somewhere between 1446 BC to 1280 BC). The Passover story, the exodus, and the parting of the Red Sea are constantly brought up by Israel's leaders when they are trying to rally their troops or turn the people back to God. The Exodus story is a central focal point of Israel's faith as they make their way to and conquer the Promised Land. Even today, the Passover observance is one of the most sacred holidays for the Jewish people.

While Christians certainly marvel at the Exodus story, our passover story is the cross. Last weekend, we were reminded again of the central tenet of our faith, i.e., the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Without the crucifixion, we are lost and dead in our sins. Without the resurrection, we have no life. The cross of Jesus is our passover. God "passes over" our sin because Jesus himself made himself who had no sin to be sin for us. (See 2 Corinthians 5:21.)

Let us not forget the events of the past. Let us not forget the Good Friday story. Let us not forget the Easter story. We are to be reminded again and again and again of the incredible grace given to us through Christ. For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed (1 Corinthians 5:7).

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