Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Into the Wild Blue Yonder

Yesterday afternoon I cashed in my Father's Day present. Beth bought an introductory flight lesson for me. Pretty cool gift, huh? I have a great wife!

I went to Daniel Field yesterday kind of excited and kind of wondering if this was really something that I'd want to do. I've toyed with this idea over the years but have never been serious enough to really make the call. So Beth made it for me. I love to fly and I've flown on private and commercial planes many, many times. But I think I'm one of those that just enjoys being up in the air and seeing the sites more than I am interested in the actual mechanics of flying. But, I have to say, it is tempting.

When I turned 40 I decided it was time to answer the call of my mid-life crisis and buy a motorcycle. I've told Beth that when I turn 50 my next mid-life crisis would probably be flying. So she's given me a 5 year head start. It requires a lot of time and money. If I got a pilot's license, I don't know where I'd go. I couldn't go too far. I couldn't afford it...and there are only so many times you can fly around Clarks Hill.

The instructor put me in the pilot's seat of a Cessna 172 and explained all of the gauges and instruments to me. We did a thorough overview of the entire plane. That probably took an hour. Then we took the plane up. He let me taxi the plane out to the runway. Once we got up, he let me fly it. We circled around the lake, flew over Edgefield and Aiken counties and then took it back to the airport. It was fun and I can see how it can become addicting. I'm not sure if I'll go back for my second lesson or not. I may put it off for awhile. But don't be surprised if one day you read a blog post about me getting my pilot's license. It may happen - when I get in my 50's.

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