Wednesday, January 17, 2007

See What I Mean?

See my previous post and then click the link above for an article from World magazine. Here's the first two paragraphs...

Of every dollar given to a Protestant church, the average amount that goes to overseas missions is two cents. In contrast, of every dollar Antioch Presbyterian Church in Chonju, Korea, takes in, 70 cents goes to missions.

For 15 years, the mission research and advocacy organization Empty Tomb, of Champaign, Ill., has analyzed the contributions and spending patterns of American churches. The latest report, "The State of Church Giving through 2003" (available at, crunches the numbers for 41 Protestant denominations and surveys giving trends going back almost a century. In doing so, the study gives a not-too-flattering snapshot of the priorities of American Christians today.

1 comment:

WhattheJill said...

Now that I have a google account, I can leave comments, and I am on the verge of abusing that privilege. I am too biased on this particular subject to comment. Apathy is one of the most contagious things known to man...and I think that it is one of the most dangerous.