Monday, December 08, 2008

Empty Nesting

2008 will go down in Jennings' history as the year our home became an empty nest. With Bailey off at college and Cliff moving out on his own, it's been much quieter around our house lately. Even Christmas tree shopping was different this year. For the first time ever, Beth and I went on our annual trek to Clarks Hill Christmas Tree farm without the kids.

Thanks to technology, we can keep up with the kiddos pretty easily so they were virtual shoppers with us. I took this picture and sent it to the children asking, "Is this one okay?" to get their approval.

Some call it the Empty Nest Syndrome but there's no syndrome in our house. Beth and I have always enjoyed spending time with each other so it's almost like going back to our newlywed days. Grocery shopping is quicker and cheaper now. The trash can is lighter on Tuesday nights when I drag it to the street. The second bathroom stays spotless now and there is less housecleaning and laundry. When Beth isn't in the mood to cook supper (which isn't often), we can hop in the car and go down the hill to Sno-Cap, Gary's, Waffle House, or The Cotton Patch Cafe for something quick to eat.

We are at the stage in life where we get to see the fruit of our labor. Many parents don't want their children to grow up, but what's the use of putting all of the energy into your kids over the years if you can't see any results? That's like continuously plowing a field and never getting a harvest. Granted, our two still have some growing up to do and we will never stop being parents. But, so far, it has been a wonderful ride every step of the way. Since Cliff was born on June 27, 1987, every year has been different in some way. Our lives drastically changed that morning and it has been fun. This stage, while quite different from the other stages, is enjoyable too.

If you're getting near this stage, don't fear it. Embrace it. It's a new chapter with fresh challenges but when you center your home on Christ, he will lead you through it. That's a promise.

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