Friday, January 11, 2008

107 Hours per week

Just something that I've been pondering for awhile:

I often find myself wondering (and hoping) if our churches are "equipping the saints to do the work of the ministry" as Paul said in Ephesians 4:11-13. At TNC, we encourage people to soak and serve, i.e., soak up the worship, teaching, and fellowship in one of our two services on Sundays and serve in some capacity during the other service. In addition, we encourage everyone to be a part of a small group (Journey teams) where we develop further in our walk with Christ.

If you soak and serve on Sunday mornings that encompasses about 3 hours. If you participate with a J Team that takes about another 1.5 - 2 hours each week. So let's do the math: There are 168 hours in a week. Let's assume that you sleep 8 hours each night for a total of 56 hours. If you take part in the weekly routine at TNC, that's another 5 hours. That leaves you with a total of 107 hours each week when you are not a part of a structured program at church.

So, here's my question. During most of your week (107 hours), it's just you and God. Now granted, you spend some time with other believers during the week but hopefully you get my drift. How are you doing when it's just you and God? Are you spending time with him? Are you learning from him daily? Are you communicating with him on a constant basis? Are you sharing his love with others? Are you worshiping him as you have opportunities? Are you growing and stretching others in their spiritual journey? Are you doing the work of the ministry?

How are you spending your 107 hours each week?

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