Friday, March 31, 2006

Your Dash

What are you doing with your dash?  No, not the dashboard on your car.  The dash between your birth year and your death year.  One day there will be a headstone with your name on it in a cemetery.  It will have your name and the beginning and ending years of your life.  In between, there will be a dash.  The dash may represent 80 years or more.  Regardless of the years represented, the question remains, “What are you doing with your dash?”


Are you accomplishing your purpose in life?  Do you have one?  Are you making a life or making a living?  Are you leaving a positive impression on those around you or are you leaving them in depression?


These are hard questions yet it is a hard reality.  Consider the life of King David of Old Testament fame.  The Bible simply says that “when David had served God’s purpose in his own generation, he fell asleep,” (i.e. he died).   You have a purpose for your generation.  How are you doing with your dash? (Timely Words, p. 17)